Exhibitors: As of December 6th all booths for NETA 2011 were sold.
Email or call Sandy Blankenship, Executive Director, to have your contact information added to a waiting list, in case a current exhibitor would need to cancel.
402 540-1904
Rent a Conference Room for your own event!
Level 1-4 sponsorships can reserve one of our conference rooms for either Wednesday (April 27th) from 1:00-4:00 or 6:00-9:00 p.m., or Thursday (April 28th) from 6:00-9:00 p.m. We also have limited rooms available Thursday (April 28) and Friday (April 29) from 7:15-8:15 am. The cost is only $100 per time slot. Please contact either Mike Burns or Sandy Blankenship with questions. All food in conference rooms need to be ordered through Embassy Suites catering (after your room assignment has been confirmed).
Mike Burns, Exhibitor Coordinator - 402 659-0505 - mikeburns2@gmail.com
Sandy Blankenship, Executive Director - 402 540-1904 - executivedirector@netasite.org
Why exhibit at NETA 2010?
- Our attendees and our exhibitors are enjoying our new venue! Take a look--La Vista Embassy Suites & Conference Center
- Exhibitors will all be located together in one area, with session rooms in close proximity.
- Over 2,100 educators from Nebraska and surrounding states attend this conference!
Exhibitor Information:
Sponsorship Levels | Costs & Deadlines| Exhibit Hours, Set Up Times, & Shipping Details