Bonnie Kramer

Running For: Board of Director | Riverside Community Schools

Bonnie Kramer

Running For: Board of Director | Riverside Community Schools


Biography: As a 30 year veteran educator, I have seen many changes, with technology being at the forefront. Having always taught and lived in rural areas, technology has brought the world closer for my students than I could have imagined when I began teaching. I am currently K-12 gifted coordinator/PK-3 general music instructor, as well as a happily married mom to three sons. Technology use has become a personal passion, connected to the joy I find in constantly learning new things. I have been a Twitter fan for 10 years (@BonKramer) and really enjoy learning from my PLN.    I am a member of ISTE, NAGC and ASCD as well as their state level affiliates and serve on our district leadership team. I have presented at our AEA 21st Century Learner Conference and for our local summer PD options on a variety of technology topics. I am also currently Flipgrid and Symbaloo certified.