Eileen L Heller

Running For: Board of Director | Omaha Public Schools

Eileen L Heller

Running For: Board of Director | Omaha Public Schools


My hope as a member of the board of directors is to offer a fresh perspective from my experiences at the largest school district in Nebraska and bring unique learning opportunities to the members of NETA. My lens is varied from growing up in a small town in Iowa, teaching in an urban community, and working with adults as an adjunct instructor for college graduate courses and my current role as a technology trainer. I am passionate about providing quality adult learning experiences as an instructional technology trainer for Omaha Public Schools. I focus on raising the comfort level of educators and growing them as leaders in their school. I have a passion for connecting curriculum to success skills students need in life through project-based learning, global virtual connections, and showing how technology can serve as a tool to support diverse student needs. NETA has provided me a network of educators to share with, learn from, and to be inspired to try new things. I’ll take my love for growing educators in our district and expand it across the state as we make lasting connections. Learn more about my passion for learning on Twitter @eileenheller or at my blog: eileenheller.com