Jorge Valenzuela

Featured Thursday & Friday

Jorge Valenzuela

Featured Thursday & Friday


Jorge Valenzuela is an education coach, author, and advocate. He has years of experience as a teacher, a curriculum specialist, and a consultant. Using action research methodology, his work helps school leaders and teachers reach their unique success paths to innovation in school leadership, tiered instruction, project-based learning, computer science and STEM education, and social and emotional learning across the curriculum. Jorge is an adjunct professor at Old Dominion University and the lead coach at Lifelong Learning Defined. He is an ASCD faculty and consults for Solution Tree, Corwin, Premiere Speakers Bureau, and Instructional Innovation Partners. His books Rev Up RoboticsEnvironmental Science for Grades 6-12, and jump-start guides are available from ISTE. His following book, which focuses on SEL activation across the curriculum, is forthcoming from Solution Tree. Jorge is also the host of Lifelong Learning Defined  and SEL in Action podcasts.