Workshops 2010

Workshops will be held at ESU#3. Shuttle busses will be proved from the conference site, except for Wednesday evening. On Wednesday evening, conference registration materials will be delivered to ESU#3 for those attending workshops.

Workshops are $50 each, except the iTouch workshop is $100 since it's for 4.5 hours.

Please note: A number of workshops have been canceled due to low enrollment numbers. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. This was a hard decision and is the first time NETA has had to cancel so many workshops.

ESU 3 Lab
Workshop Title

 Mac Lab


Code:  W31

Going Beyond the Traditional Use of Keynote

Cost $50

Shelly Mowinkel Keynote isn’t just for presentations anymore! This
workshop will go beyond the traditional use of Keynote by incorporating sound, movie clips, graphics, and text to create dynamic multimedia presentations.  Software to be used in the workshop includes Keynote, Garageband, and
iMovie. Participants will view student projects and leave the workshop with a completed Quicktime movie, plus many ideas on how to incorporate Keynote projects into theclassroom.
Wed 7:00-9:15 PM Macintosh

Sarpy/Washington Mixed Lab

Code:  W32

Easy Interactive PDF forms with Acrobat Pro

Cost $50

Linda Dickeson With Acrobat Pro, see how easy it is to create interactive forms to be filled in and saved using free Adobe Reader, and even compile the returned form data into a spreadsheet. Topics will include automatic field recognition, creating different types of fields, enabling the form for Reader, distributing the form, compiling form information and exporting the data to Excel. Wed 7:00-9:15 PM Cross Platform

Windows Lab


Code:  W33

Using Wikis in the Classroom

Cost $50

Eric Bell So you think you're brave enough to finally create your own wiki?  Join us as we look at wiki components, where on the web we may create one, and what uses you may have for one in the classroom.  You will begin making your own classroom wiki by the end of the day, so bring your ideas, pictures, and files so we can get started! Wed 7:00-9:15 PM Cross Platform

Sarpy/Washington Mixed Lab


Code:  T12

Social Networking for Educators


Cost $50

Jason Everett Educators face many challenges. One challenge is finding opportunities to network with other professionals and share ideas, frustrations, websites, or just have an ear to bend. With the advancement of Internet communication tools, we now have ways to build professional social networks online. This workshop will introduce you to several social networking tools that can help you build a network of professionals to help you with lesson ideas, research, tech support, professional development or just moral support. Thurs 10:15 AM-12:30 PM  

Windows Lab


Code:  T13

Google Docs for Beginners


Cost $50

Gregg Robke If you have never used Google docs in your classroom, now is the time to start. Come to this workshop and learn how you can provide a "Creative Journey to Learning" in the 21st century using google docs in the classroom. Most of the time will be spent getting started with Google docs as well as sharing examples of using Google docs in the classroom. Thurs 10:15 AM-12:30 PM Cross Platform

 Mac Lab


Code:  T11

Productive Photography!


Cost $50

Chris Pultz It's great to have a digital camera, but in 2010 it's not about taking pictures, it's about sharing and creating products from the pictures you took! In this workshop we'll look at a variety of online tools for storing & sharing your images, powerful slideshow-movie tools, and custom printed products you can download or order for your classroom. We are living in the midst of a photography Renaissance, take advantage of the free & low cost tools available to you! Thurs 10:15 AM-12:30 PM Cross Platform

Sarpy/Washington Mixed Lab


Code:  T22

Where are you going? Stop and integrate Google Applications and GPS into your Everyday Classroom!


Cost $50

Bob Goeman This workshop is designed for people who are looking to see how they can use Google Earth, Google Maps, and GPS technology to view, create and share geo-everything. Get hands-on experience with creating curriculum for your classroom. Participants will learn how to integrate gps data into Google Applications as well as infuse these technology tools into multidisclipinary curriculum at all grade levels. Come and explore the world with us! Thurs 1:30-3:45 PM Cross Platform

Windows Lab


Code:  T23

Beyond the Basics with Google Apps


Cost $50

Kris Connor Setting up an educational google domain provides great opportunities for administrators and staff.  In this advanced session of Google Apps, learn how to manage and share your docs and calendars with staff, collect and manipulate form information, set up your web site, partipate in a google video chat, and explore many other FREE apps such as Picasa, Sketchup, Reader, and Blogger.
Thurs 1:30-3:45 PM Cross Platform

 Mac Lab


Code:  T21

Using Garageband in Your Classroom

Cost $50

Jeff Ingraham This workshop will go through the basics of using GarageBand from Apple computer for desktop music creation, Movie soundtrack scoring, and podcasting. Whether you have music in your soul and play every instrument, or if you have a tin ear and can't keep a beat, GarageBand allows you to be successful and make beautiful music! Thurs 1:30-3:45 PM Macintosh

 Mac Lab


Code:  T31

 iTouch Technology

Cost $100

Jan Tell During this workshop you will take an iPod Touch on "Creative Journeys to Learning." You will be able to explore applications and rate them for uses in your classroom. We'll branch off with the rest of the iPod family and engage you in a variety of ways you can use them with students' learning. Thurs 4:30-9:00 PM Cross Platform

Sarpy/Washington Mixed Lab


Code: T32

Using Online Website Builders in Education


Cost:  $50

Lucas Bingham Part of Web 2.0 is the ability to develop content, publish it online and receive feedback from an online community.  Developing websites can be a great way to achieve this!  Even with web-based classroom content systems, having a website can be extremely valuable.  There are many free and easy online tools that can be used by you or your students to create websites.  This workshop will cover the basics of what a web site is, the many different ways to create a website or publish content online and how this tool can be used in the classroom.  We will focus in on tools that are strictly online where you can edit and maintain the site within any browser.  The end goal is a way for you or your students to publish content online to share with others and you will be creating a site during the workshop.  Some common website builders are Weebly and Google Sites, we will explore these and more in our quest to publish online! Thurs 7:00-9:15 PM Cross Platform

Windows Lab


Code:  T33

Movie Making Crash Course with Adobe Premiere Elements Linda Dickeson Tell a story, do a documentary, record a public service announcement and much more! This workshop will teach the basics of making movies with Adobe Premiere Elements, starting with a simple movie organized "storyboard fashion" on the Sceneline with a soundtrack and moving into adding multiple video tracks in the Timeline, learning how to animate clips using keyframes, and adding text for rolling credits. See how Premiere Elements and Photoshop Elements work together to open new doors to creativity! Thurs 7:00-9:15 PM Windows

 Mac Lab


Code:  F11

How to be a 2.0 Teacher Jamey Boelhower The workshop will equip teachers with fresh ideas, guidelines, and tools to connect with students in our technological society.  Participants are asked to have a unit of study they want to update with ideas and tools presented during the workshop.  The workshop will be based on two main ideas. The first idea is the integration of technology into lesson plans. The tools range from applications like iPhoto to web based tools like Tokbox. The second idea is how to teach beyond the classroom.  This aspect expands the role of the teacher and the idea of learning.  I will present tools and guidelines I use to teach beyond the regular school day. Fri 10:15 AM-12:30 PM Cross Platform

Sarpy/Washington Mixed Lab


Code:  F12

Advanced Uses for Angel in the Classroom Joel Fritz Will show you how to incorporate the use of Angel in your class.  We'll specifically look at how to set up question banks (ex. you have a question bank of 100 questions and when a student takes the test or quiz they will only get 20 of the questions).  We will also look at some of the new features on Angel from the past updates or any other topics where you have questions.  You will need to have an Angel account to attend this workshop. Fri 10:15 AM-12:30 PM Cross Platform

Windows Lab


Code:  F13

Creative Presentation Solutions for Student Projects Deanna Stall Feeling like you have exhausted the Power Point project with your students? Do students complain about doing yet another Power Point project? This workshop is for you!  We will share other tools you can use with student projects to continue the project-based learning that you love.  These are tools you can find for FREE on the web by just getting an account.  Plus, we will look at rubrics, the best places to build those rubrics and the best ways to score those types of projects.  Power Points and movie making are great tools but sometimes you just want to do something different.  The web is full of great educational tools, such as Prezi, Animoto, Glogster, and VoiceThread.  Join us as we dig into a couple of these tools. Please bring some digital photos and materials for a presentation project. Fri 10:15 AM-12:30 PM Cross Platform