
Strategic Planning Update

By Julie Moore

Nebraska Educational Technology Association (NETA) is a statewide 503(c) non-profit organization dedicated to providing leadership and promoting the application of technology to the educational process. Formed in 1979 by a small group of educators, NETA has grown to over 5,000+ members comprised of teachers, administrators, technology coordinators, library media specialists, higher education representatives, and pre-service teachers.  NETA is committed to fulfilling its purpose and serving our membership base. In doing so, it is good practice to review the mission and goals of the organization throughout the years.

Over the past several months, the NETA board has taken on the process of reviewing the mission, vision, and goals of the organization with Bright Future Consulting.

An update –

  •     A survey was sent to NETA members in May to get your feedback on the rapidly changing global society and how technology plays a role and your thoughts on NETA’s role.
  •     Bright Future Consulting completed a focus group with NETA’s Presidents’ Council.
  •     Survey results were reviewed and shared with NETA’s membership in the form of an infographic.
  •     NETA board members were asked to read material on the future trends of learning to prepare for the in-person strategic planning event.
  •     NETA board members were asked to reflect on their vision for the organization and think about possible goals. 

Bright Future Consulting led the NETA board through a day and a half in-person strategic planning meeting this past July, where data was reviewed and discussions were had to draft a new mission statement and goals. Be looking for them to be shared with you all, NETA’s membership, soon!

Next steps include –

  •     Receiving membership feedback on the draft strategic plan.
  •     Making any changes necessary to the plan.
  •     Finalizing the new strategic plan.

Thank you to all of you who completed the survey sent out to the NETA membership to help guide our conversations. We hope you will continue to provide us with feedback as we share our new mission statement, goals and plan with all of you soon! NETA has and continues to be committed to providing resources, training, and experience related to technology in education. Thank you for supporting us!

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