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Student Voices Amplified at this Year’s Show and Share Sessions

By Jenna Krambeck-Reeh

Each year, NETA tries to find innovative and exclusive ideas to get students involved with our educators at the spring conference! Check out some of the fantastic sessions and events coming your way below.

NETA 2020’s Show and Share sessions will provide one on one opportunities for teachers and their students to showcase the innovative, creative, and extraordinary learning happening in their classrooms. NETA members know that preparing students for the future starts with providing students a voice and a platform to share their learning with an authentic audience. During “Using Robots in Elementary to Promote Experiential Learning,” “Collaboration and Creativity and Robots, Oh My!,” and “Kids Doing the Work in First Lego League and Future City,” students will co-present with their teachers sharing their stories of learning. Students are at the heart of NETA’s mission and vision. Collaborate, advocate, and learn from some amazing student presenters at this year’s NETA conference!

Session: Using Robots in Elementary to Promote Experiential Learning

Participants will learn how to make meaningful connections between autonomous technologies and the curriculum using lessons that are easily differentiated. Robotics is multidisciplinary and offers students hands-on experience in a wide range of topics while improving STEM knowledge. We will share a variety of technology integration ideas for all elementary levels.

Session: Collaboration and Creativity and Robots, Oh My!

This session will provide teachers with knowledge and resources to enhance computational thinking skills in their classroom through the use of coding. We will equip teachers with resources to develop problem solving, creativity, and hands on interaction with their students.


NETA has a mission to be innovative. As part of our mission we are hosting our very own eSports tournament. eSports is one of the fastest growing sports in America. eSports gives students a chance to learn valuable skills such as collaboration and problem solving. Schools from across Nebraska will come together to play an eSports tournament at the NETA spring conference. This tournament gives students a chance to meet and actually play in person. The students will be playing two popular games, Smash Bros and League of Legends. As observers, you will be able to observe students as they are playing and tap into their strategies. Teams will play in a tournament format with the winner achieving the traveling NETA cup trophy. On Friday, team coaches will be present during sessions to help teachers learn more about how to start their own eSports tournament. We are looking forward to students joining in the conference as we all learn more about this fast growing sport. 

New at NETA this Year : NETA Learning Stage

Join us to listen to fellow educators share their experiences on the NETA Learning Stage located in the Exhibit Hall. Short presentations will be shared both days of the conference from topics ranging from School Library Practices to Esports, to Room Transformations to Living the ISTE Standards to name a few! Also showcased on the stage will be student Kyra Creamer, from Dorchester High School, talking about her view on Computer Science. In addition students who are participating in NSAA events with full media rights, learning networking opportunities, and gaining real-world experience will get their chance to share on the stage as well. Join us for these exciting presentations and prepare to Stretch Yourself and Reach for Higher Standards.

Event: Tech in Action

So many great ideas get shared at conferences we have trouble seeing what they look like in a real classroom environment where students are learning. At NETA 2020 you will be able to observe a few area teachers teaching a lesson with their students and have a chance to ask questions afterwards. Come see what real teachers and students in our state are doing with what they learn at the conference.

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