5 Websites for School Collaboration
Written by: Kyleigh Lewis, Conestoga Public Schools
Google Sites is a great tool for web development and sharing information. Check out five ways that you can share Google Sites in your district as a collaboration piece. It is not just a student tool, but a great place for
PLCs and teachers to collaborate, keep vital information, and to communicate
Classroom Site
Are you a classroom teacher? What a great resource to put classroom agendas, lesson plans, contact information, and copies of parent letters/information. Use your Google Site to share classroom projects, links
to projects, or district letters. Establish a classroom culture of communication that allows parents to search for information, experience your classroom from outside of the walls, and have a place for teacher contact.
Technology Integration/ Instructional Coach Hub
As a technology integrationist or instructional coach, there are tons of resources that you can share with your staff. Are they all ready for the same resources at the same time?—NO! However, you are providing a great set of websites, educational tools, and/or videos for them to access when they are ready to implement these great tools in their classroom. Take the time to link in “how to” videos, other teachers work, and tips to make the implementation a smooth transition.
Student Services or MTSS Landing Spot
Need a place for staff to locate any special education or MTSS materials? By using Google Sites, you can create a landing page for all the links, documents, and information that staff may need to use. Finding information in a long, lost email can be time consuming, but using Google Sites, you can empower teachers to locate the resources they need, when they need. In addition, by leaving the Google Site only available to staff in your district domain, you do not have to worry about others finding documents that you may not want to share.
Health Page
With the need to share forms and up-to-date health information, take the time to use a small Google Site to share updates with parents, staff, and students. Create a page for student forms, health news, and contact information. This is a great place to put notices and reminders for health screenings or flu shots. This easy-to-use site can be linked to the district webpage to allow for an easy transition and implementation.
Athletic Content Page
It can be time consuming and hard to update a webpage for all athletic needs. By creating an athletic Google Site, coaches can link a Google Sheet with the team roster or schedule. This will allow for instant updates if something changes for athletes or updating the team’s record. Coaches can also share summer camp information, forms, and team photos through the Google Site. This can be a great communication tool for sports teams and parents.
As always, check with your district to make sure that all of these sites are supported from a district level. Once you have your vision, do not be afraid to add customization and pizazz using designs and art work from Pixabay or Canva.