Lindsay Zilly

Keynote & Featured Friday

Lindsay Zilly

Keynote & Featured Friday


Lindsay Zilly is the Director of Professional Learning for Illinois Digital Educators Alliance. In this position, she is able to create meaningful professional learning experiences for educators, help connect teachers to experts and provide instructional support for educators in the state of Illinois. Prior to this role, Lindsay was an instructional technology coach and intermediate school teacher who worked to foster a culture of innovation in today’s generation and partner with them to be responsible and ethical life-long learners of the digital age. Lindsay believes we must demonstrate, guide and help student creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills in order to be successful 21st Century Learners. She is a Google Certified Educator, Apple Learning Specialist, Microsoft Innovative Educator, Seesaw Ambassador and Apple Teacher 2016. Follow Lindsay on Twitter and Instagram: @iCoachLindsay