Blog Post


Schedule for the 2021 Spring Conference Series!

The time is here! You can officially view our schedule for our Spring Conference Series! To kick of this event we wanted to answer some FAQs.

1. Why is the conference starting in January instead of March?

We have broken up our spring conference into three separate series! This is to give people the flexibility to attend sessions on their own time. Each part of our conference series will be available on demand or live!

2. How can I attend the Spring Conference?

This year, our conference is hosted on the platform, Hopin. Hopin is an engaging online venue where you will be able to attend live keynote speakers and sessions, engage with other conference attendees, partake in workshops and more! All of the aforementioned sessions will be available to you live and on demand so that you can attend the Spring Conference when it works for you!

3. What is the schedule of events?

Lucky for you, we have this all planned out. Series 1 begins January 4th, and live sessions end on the 5th. Check out our schedule page to break down each individual session, or view the above graphic to determine the best way that you can attend the conference! Series 2 begins February 15th, and Series 3 starts March 25th! We have a variety of content prepared for you and we can’t wait for you to see it!

4. How can I network with other conference attendees?

Each month we have a variety of specified networking opportunities for attendees to connect, share, and have fun with the #yourNETA community. From yoga sessions, to cooking classes, and more, we have made sure to be intentional about the community aspect of this year’s conference!

5. Looking for more?

View our FAQ page here.

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